75 years Jubilee : RNDM presence in Abbey, St. Rambert en Bugey

We celebrated 75 years of our presence in Abbey, St. Rambert (1949-2024)  on 7th July 2024 with a lovely Mass celebrated by Bishop Pascal Roland, in the parish church.

Mass in the Church
Apéritif in the Park of abbey


Parishioners, friends, our staff and volunteers joined us for the Mass. Josianne, one of our former Eurasian boarders, brought the photo of Mother Jeanne d’Arc with the sisters, in the procession.   At the beginning of the Mass, Sister Celestine presented a short history of Abbey and our missions with the Eurasians. After Mass, invited guests came up to the abbey for the apéritif followed by a lovely meal, and dessert prepared by our generous Vietnamese friends . We  give thanks to God for the wonderful day of celebration. The presence of our Bishop Roland Pascal, Father Gilbert (our former chaplain), Mr Gilbert Bouchon (the mayor of St Rambert), our sisters from the different communities, our friends, our staff and our volunteers gave us great joy. A big thank you to the Vietnamese ladies from Lyon who provided us with a delicious meal. Everything went very well, and everyone was happy with a little souvenir from the abbey.


Delicious meal with invited guests


Delicious cakes, fruits and champagne


Souvenir gifts (hand fan) given to the guests
Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions - Casa Generalizia Roma 00164 (IT) - Phone: 0039 06 6615 8400 - Email: gensec@rndmgen.org