On 15th October 2022 was a remarkable day for the RNDM Sisters of India Province to welcome the FIVE Novices, namely Ibanriful Marngar, Iuralin Songthiang, Lindaris Wahlang, Pricila Toppo and Tracy Swer into the Congregation as they made their First Profession. The profession took place in Mariam Nilaya Novitiate, chapel, Banaswadi, Bangalore. The Eucharistic celebration was solemnised by Reverend Father John Baptist, the Director of National Biblical Catechetical and Liturgical Centre (NBCLC), along with nine con-celebrants. In the homily father appreciated the five novices for their courage to come and follow the Lord in the modern world. He further mentioned that we are called to carry the message of Christ to those who are longing for the Light. He concluded with the encouraging words that once we say YES to the Lord we need to be committed and faithful till the end.
“Here I am, Send Me” (Isa 6:8)
It added more joys to the celebration with the presence of the RNDM sisters from different provinces and communities, family members, friends and well-wishers. We concluded the day by praising God for all the blessings with the thanksgiving prayer. All enjoyed the day to the full.