Apia – Saint Peter Chanel Opening Mass 2025

St Peter Chanel Community School celebrated their 7th year birthday which fell on February 12th, 2025.

Parents were invited to join the school on this three-fold celebration. First, was the School Opening Mass of the new School Year, asking for God’s blessings upon the school.

Second, it was our School’s 7th birthday since we started in 2018. Third, the blessing of our School Prefects and House Captains for the year 2025.

For this special celebration, we invited no one else but our Archbishop Mosese Vitolio Tui who was more than happy to join with us giving glory to God and to ask for God’s blessings for Saint Peter Chanel’s students, teachers, parents and families. It was such a happy day that after Mass the School all gathered for shared lunch.  So much food and drink.

Lots of sweet things that day which scared the diabetes and high-blood-pressure in certain people.

Our roll keeps on increasing since it started. And this year, the number rises again. We have to say ‘No’ to some parents because of the numbers in some of the classes.

We would love to take them all in, but we do have rules and regulations to go by!

Sister Carmel would know of this School location as she was a teacher there when the buildings were used only for Form 6 students, which was called CATHOLIC COMBINED SCHOOL, at MOAMOA.

So much I want to share here but time and space forbids!!! I will suffice by saying that I wish you all best wishes from Samoa and especially from Saint Peter Chanel Community School.

Please keep us in your prayers and if you have anything you think we need and you have them around you, don’t hesitate to throw it overseas, e.g. whiteboard markers, pens and pencils.

Sr Monika Vaipuna RNDM

Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions - Casa Generalizia Roma 00164 (IT) - Phone: 0039 06 6615 8400 - Email: gensec@rndmgen.org