Born: Changanacherry , Kerala 13 October 1936
Postulant: Chittagong, 02 July 1953
Novice: Chittagong, 04 January 1954
1st profession: Chittagong, 02 July 1956
Final vows: Chittagong, 02 July 1962
Death: Dona Maria Convent, 30 January 2017

Hailing from Kerala, Sister Mary Albert baptised Theresa is the eldest child of 11 siblings. Four boys and seven girls.
Bent on becoming a missionary, without any hesitation, Theresa, joined the band of other young girls who yearned to be a missionary. After some months of intensive course in English, young Teresa was admitted into the novitiate in Chittagong in 1953. Docile to the teaching and accompaniment of the novitiate programme, the promising Novice received permission to pronounce her First Profession in 1956.

Influenced by the missionary zeal of stalwart RNDMs from New Zealand, Ireland & England, Mary Albert picked up the teaching skills and techniques with relative ease. Satisfied with the application Sister made to live her religious life, she was allowed to pronounced her final vows in 1962,

Politically, the Congregation which had experienced peace and harmony during the eight decades (1883-1963) suddenly had had to face turmoil and unrest. Free movement to and from Chittagong was curtailed. By her alertness and confidence, Sister Mary Albert was able to teach and take classes in the many school in Meghalaya and Assam.

Reading the signs of time, the superiors started an Indian Novitiate in Shillong in 1964. With the provincialization of schools in Burma in 1968, more sisters from Burma reached Shillong. Sister Mary Albert threw herself to the wheel of credibility.
In 1966, when Sisters from Calcutta visited Kalyanpur, Sister Mary Albert accompanied Sister Marie Celine. Their spade work evolved into a new foundation in 1969.
When the eyes of the Congregation turned to the South, they purchased a House at Milton Street, Bangalore in 1964 followed by more Houses in Mangalore. Again by her enthusiasm and zeal, Sister Mary Albert could contribute to the growth of the community as an animator in Belvai.
Mary Albert had many hobbies. Through gardening and rearing of animals, she taught compassion to the children. By taking them to visit the sick and elderly, they learn how to pray for the needy.
The last decade of Sister Mary Albert’s life turned her active ministry into the passive ministry of intense sickness. The writhing gnawing arthritis made her totally dependent.
Schooled by suffering, Sister carried the cross with holy resignation. Loneliness could not kill her indomitable faith. She prayed constantly and shared her reflections with those who visited her. Gratitude became her second admirable nature.
Though confined to bed, Sister Mary Albert disciplined her body to a routine schema.
Advised by the doctor, sister was brought to Guwahati for investigation. The night before her death Sister spoke to her brothers and gave them a sense of joy for her improving health. Death always comes when we least expect. That happened to Sister Mary Albert, Just after lunch she had problem in breathing and slipped away into the eternal sleep without any struggle at 1. 15 pm at Dona Maria Convent, Guwahati.

The Capuchin Fathers helped the Sisters to contact doctors and within a few hours, Sister’s Body was brought to St. Mary’s, Shillong. We were supported and consoled by the condolences received from across the Congregation.
The Sisters from the nearby communities rushed to St. Mary’s to come to pray for Sister.

Befitting her life, Mary Albert got a beautiful funeral in Shillong. Her youngest Brother from New York and Celine her Sister from Kerala was able to witness the last journey on earth. The Vicar General, Reverend Father John Madur presided over the Requiem Mass. Beside him Revered Father Richard Majaw, parish Priest, Reverend Father Paul Lyngkot and many priests concelebrated at the Funeral Mass on 2nd February, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord.
The Sisters from INC & INS were also able to come for the funeral.
In spite of being holiday time, many past pupils and friends turned up to show solidarity with the Sisters. We certainly have benefited from the merit of Sister Mary Albert’s heroic suffering. May she continue to spend her eternity praying for the Congregation?
Eternal Rest Grant to her Oh Lord.

Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions - Casa Generalizia Roma 00164 (IT) - Phone: 0039 06 6615 8400 - Email: