On the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 2024, the RNDM Sisters of the Vietnamese province were happy to have seven novices who readily made their first vows. Matta Nguyen Nu Ngoc Vang, Teresa Nguyen Thi Trang,  Maria Phung Le Nhu Y, Maria Duong Kim Dung, Cecilia Le Thi Hue, Maria Hoang Pham Ngoc Trinh, and Maria Ho Nu Hoai Thi are the newly professed sisters.

Bishop Giuse Tran Van Toan, Bishop of Long Xuyen Diocese, presided at the Mass. We were  pleased  to have the presence of many priests, religious, parents and family members of these novices and many guests from remote areas where the novices have been missioned.

After the readings, the novice director introduced the 7 novices to the Province Leader, Maria Ly Thi Bich Quyen, who questioned them about their readiness to be members of RNDM family.

In his homily, Bishop Joseph invited the community to learn from the example of Mary, who rapidly went out for mission. He quoted our Constitutions: “To be called to the Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions is to receive from God the gift of sharing in the Divine Missions in the spirit of Mary. Attentive to the Word, she hastened the coming of salvation to the nations. Like Mary, impelled by the Spirit, inspired by love, supported by faith, and nurtured by hope, we live our consecration for the reign of God.” (Cons. 10) He referred to our missions around the world to encourage and enkindle the fire of zeal. He appreciated our mission of educating poor children to give them a better future.

After the homily, there was the sacred moment when the novices pronounced their vows. They signed “the vows” and received the emblems, veils, rings, and constitutions as proof of belonging to the RNDM family. The RNDM Sisters joyfully greeted each of the newly professed.

After the Holy Eucharist, Maria Ly Thi Bich Quyen thanked the bishop, the clergy, and all of those who contributed to the celebration. She thanked the parents of the newly professed who generously offered their daughters to God and the congregation. She congratulated the newly professed and presented each one with a bouquet of flowers. A blessed day for the RNDM congregation.

M.P.T Thanh Thuy RNDM


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