“Our priority as RNDMs is to be present to and work with those who are vulnerable and neglected, those marginalised in our world today, with particular regard to women, children, youth, indigenous peoples, migrants and victims of human trafficking.” (General Chapter Document 2014, Pg. 12) Following in the footsteps of Euphrasie Barbier, who intentionally chose to go to those “on the margins,” RNDM Sisters today continue in her footsteps in their missionary endeavours among those most at risk in society. Sisters involved in the ministry of social work are dedicated to the pursuit of social justice and the well-being of oppressed and marginalised individuals and communities. This is pursued at micro, macro and international levels. RNDM Sisters dedicate their lives to listening to the Spirit and experiencing God through the lives and voices of those who are oppressed. Restoring hope, building self-esteem and dignity, and challenging unjust policy and structures is integral to the Sisters’ ministry among women, children, indigenous people, migrants and those trafficked throughout the world.