RNDM International Mission Newsletter, March 2025

Dear Sisters and Friends Greetings to you from Rome. We have begun the Lenten season on Ash Wednesday in the Catholic Church and people all over the world are earnestly praying, especially for healing of our Holy Father Pope Francis during these days of his illness. Rome community has been joining in the evening rosary at […]

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During the past year our Associates of the Hawkes Bay region have held their quarterly meetings on the afternoon of the third Friday of the month.  We made this change for the convenience of the majority of our members.  Our meetings start with some RNDM input followed by prayer.  A regular focus for our prayer […]

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Celebrating the First Profession of Sr. Rosy Dhanwar

Theme: “I have come to do your will, O my God.” On February 1, 2025, a momentous occasion unfolded as the Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM) Indian Province joyously celebrated Sr. Rosy Dhanwar’s First Profession of Vows at the Mariam Nilaya Novitiate Chapel in Bangalore. The Eucharistic celebration was beautifully officiated by […]

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Our Spirituality

Our Lady of the Missions. Our title describes our spirituality which is both Trinitarian and Marian.
The name Euphrasie Barbier chose for her Congregation is, doubtless, the most obvious proof of the fundamental Trinitarian orientation of her own life and that of the new religious family she founded. […]

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Euphrasie Barbier

Adèle-Euphrasie Barbier, known in religious life as Marie du Coeur de Jésus, was born on 4th January 1829, in Caen, France. The family had a strong faith and her parents instilled into their young family the values of honesty and hard work. […]

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