In the quiet dawn of August 16, 2024, the Sisters of Our Lady of the Mission (RNDMs) of the Vietnam province gathered together in the Trinity Chapel of Thu Duc Convent to joyfully participate in the ritual of receiving 11 postulants into the novitiate. They were: Teresa Nguyen Thi My Dung, Anna Nguyen Thi Tuyen, Lucia Vu Thi Ngoc Que, Maria Tran Thi Thu Hien, Anna Tran Thi Van, Maria Duong Thi Hong Hanh, Teresa Avila Vu Thi Kim Cuc, Teresa Nguyen Thi Hong Oanh, Teresa Nguyen Hoang Thien Huong, Maria Y Lan, and Maria Pham Thi Phuong Thuy.

The prayer was guided by Sr. Anna Huong Trinh, the Novice Director, who led the community into deep silence in order to experience God’s love and tender care through the holy dance “Thank you for your grace.” She reminded the community of the purpose of this next period of formation: The Novitiate is the school of Jesus, the cradle of the consecrated life, where novices grow in personal relationship with Christ through silence, solitude, contemplation, and reflection on the Scriptures and develop an attitude of openness to the Divine Mission.

Sr. Maria Ly Thi Bich Quyen, the province leader, called each postulant by name and questioned each of them about their willingness to enter the novitiate. She gave the novice emblems to each one of them, after which they made a simple act of commitment.

The community prayed for the novices to make the best use of this period of formation and to be open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The ritual concluded with the sisters greeting the novices and promising to pray for them. This ritual was followed by the celebration of the Eucharist.

M.P.T Thanh Thuy, RNDM


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