RNDM international mission Newsletter September 2024

Dear Sisters and Friends,

With deep gratitude and appreciation to each one of you for your constant support in our missionary journey,  we are happy to present this newsletter.

The stories you will read in this newsletter are stories of hope and new opportunities given to so many children and women. Education of children from remote villages, to women who have been given training and support and empowering them to be leaders, caring for the sick and physically challenged children and other social projects would not be possible  without your  partnership. Your interest in our mission  projects and financial contributions have enabled us to carry on the developmental activities for the benefit of our less fortunate brothers and sisters in different parts of our world, that have made a positive difference in their lives. We hope that you will enjoy reading these real life-changing stories of people who are faced with challenging situations and yet are trying their best to secure a better life.

There is so much pain and suffering in our world caused by violence, war and natural calamities. Sometimes these events can drown our hope and paralyze us. But God asks us to do the best we can to bring about healing and wholeness.  “We ourselves feel that what we do is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop” said Mother Teresa of Kolkata. Every little act of kindness contributes to the health and growth of someone we serve. God bless and reward your generous hearts!

Sr. Smitha Thomas RNDM

RNDM International Mission Newsletter September 2024


Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions - Casa Generalizia Roma 00164 (IT) - Phone: 0039 06 6615 8400 - Email: gensec@rndmgen.org